Use Cases
Differentiation, flexibility and new business models for your charging business.
The future for your charging business
Most CPOs started with a monolithic construct. All charging stations are connected to a CPMS, usually from one of the larger backend providers. Tokens and mobile app are provided as a white label.
This makes it impossible to create your own evaluations, new business models, flexible expansions and innovations in your own charger landscape - and thus differentiate yourself from other CPOs.
We've developed Exolink with the future in mind. Based on modern cloud infrastructures, you get back the flexibility and control that a standard CPMS, to which all your chargers are connected, doesn't offer.
Use Case
Streamlined Operations
  • Live monitoring of your chargers via OCPP
  • Alerting via SMS, e-mail and MQTT in the event of failures or anomalies
  • Ready-made, directly applicable monitoring checks
  • Options of defining your own individual monitoring checks
  • Connection and evaluation of sensors
  • Integration of camera monitoring and vision AI models
  • Connection to field service, facility and site management systems
Use Case
Integrated Business
  • Integration of your chargers into your ERP, service desk and CRM software landscape
  • Simple connection of partners
  • Independence from the functional scope of your CPMS
  • Uniform OCPP endpoint for different brands and markets
  • Connection of different billing systems
  • Implementation and connection of loyalty and reward programs
Use Case
Modular Diversity
  • Use of different CPMS for different business cases
  • Change, migration, and upgrade of CPMS systems without downtimes
  • Testing of new features or business cases for specific charger groups
  • Homogenization of OCPP messages from different charger manufacturers
  • Maintenance of legacy systems or applications
  • Integration into HTTPS or MQTT-based apps and applications
Use Case
Analytics and Insights
  • Access to OCPP raw data also in real time
  • Connection of analytics platforms such as Databricks or Snowflake
  • Exporting data to data lakes on Azure or AWS
  • Development of your own business intelligence and machine learning models
  • Creation of your own dashboards and reports
Use Case
New Business Models
  • Driving innovation with no-code and low-code
  • Implementing quick pilots of new features end-to-end
  • Implementing and testing new business models
  • Adding new features to CPMS
  • Connecting third-party applications and functions
Use Case
Charge Park Management
  • Integrated management of complete charging parks
  • Integration of charging stations with cabinet systems, vending machines and cash register systems
  • Integration of camera surveillance and vision AI models
How to reach us personally
Make an appointment for a non-binding initial consultation with us. Just take a look at the calendar and choose a suitable time slot.